If you find any of these links not working, please leave me a note in the reply box at the bottom of this page
3973RD Combat Defense Squadron
Air Force Freedom of Information Act
American Airpower Heritage Museum
Aviation History On-Line Museum
B-52 Stratofortress Association
Cold War Recognition Certificate
Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office
Department of Veterans Affairs
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
National Archives and Records Administration
National Aviation Museum of Canada
Strategic Air And Space Museum
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
United States Air Force Museum
U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs
I have a picture of myself and the other two crewmembers standing in front of a B-47 on the McCoy AFB flight line in 1957. If you would like I can send it and you can use it in one of the newsletters. Just send me the email address and I will forward it.
Robert; Please feel free to send the picture on to me. I will try to fit it into the site and add it to my collection of B-47 related photos. My e-mail address is imjackd@gmail.com