All three Albuquerque members of the Stratojet Association were on hand today to present the check for $5,000 to Jim Walther, Director of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.

All three Albuquerque members of the Stratojet Association were on hand today to present the check for $5,000 to Jim Walther, Director of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.
I want to belatedly thank all volunteers of the Association for their devoted time to keep the organization in tact-As many of you have stated the B-47 was undoubtedly the most remarkable aircraft of its time.I was fortunate to have spent 10 years and 3400 flying hours assigned to fly it and I will always be grateful for the opportunity to have done so-Go Air Force
Dear General O’Loughlin — My father was a career Air Force officer having started with the U.S. Army Air Force in 1943 but, by far, his time in SAC (and the 70th SRW) were very special to him. He, too, had ten years with the B-47 (as Senior Navigator) and flying hours in the thousands. That aircraft had a way of staying special with these Cold Warriors. God bless them all.